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Ladies or Mens Slippers and Interior shoes to stitch with Petit Point
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Needlepoint Tapestry kits contain the canvas hand painted with brush in full colour by Annie Bouquet 's Studio, yarn, a plated Gold needle, and instructions. The 100% cotton canvas is a double weave antique or white Monofil. The thread is 100% pure wool "Medicis" from DMC France and others dyed specifically for us to Aubusson.
Pleasure's necessity

We (1) conceived these interior's shoes to stitch in tapestry to the petitd points, with a great pleasure, with a great desire to please you ! The pleasure is a simple disposition of the spirit. To arouse the interest, to please, it is there our real objective !
The pleasure can meet everywhere: obviously in the area of feel, in the creative step, in the concerted action, in the communication... The pleasure, today, it is "in air".
The invasion of objects multiplied to the infinity provokes to oppose it need of authentic, palpable, personal, self, near the real. The sensuality & touch come back in force. One can fantasize and simulate thanks to computer feats, they tickle the imagination, but... they lack flesh.
The pleasure to touch is immense and implies until the senses of the view. It is firmness or suppleness, softness or roughness, relief or silky, animality, mobility. The last information concerning orientations concerning cloths and shoes converges all to the notion of "natural". Natural components move under the hand.
The pleasure is not the property of the creator. There is creative act everywhere where the choice exerts, where a gesture decides. Because from each initial concept operator can add or trench the value to a realization.
(1) Claudine Villars, author of this text published in "Tribunes", and independent designer has tended the idea of the shoes "Coup de Lune". Annie Bouquet created the plastrons.
Annie Bouquet's shop 7, rue des Moulins 75001 Paris France
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